CNIP digital agency blog

TIPS TO BECOME A Digital Marketing Agency - Inbound Marketing Agency

Written by Christophe Dejaeghere | Nov 5, 2020 6:02:13 PM

Are you planning to start a digital marketing agency? As a digital marketer, you need to ensure that your agency presents the most effective content to the market. You can apply storytelling with video and other techniques to win the audience. When entrepreneurs see what you are doing in the industry, they will not hesitate to give you their work.

Get the Skills

Do you have all the skills necessary to run the business? You have to be creative to outsmart other agencies. It is essential to be prepared and have some experience in using marketing tools.

Depending on your capability to grasp information, it may take you less or more time to develop these skills. The best way to acquire these skills faster is by working with another company before venturing into your agency. You will gain experience and excellent skills to present your content by storytelling with video to achieve sustainable growth. Working somewhere before moving to your agency will help you understand the industry properly.

Additionally, you have to drive results by working with a marketing team. The experience will equip you to manage clients from big companies. You can start with small clients to master the channels and get the skills you will need to execute your project.

While working with small clients, you will learn how to produce the best products under pressure and develop complex systems. You will need to have the following skills to make your future project easy to handle.

  • You will learn how to design ads.
  • You will develop skills to build landing pages.
  • You will be able to master learning systems such as Salesforce and HubSpot.
  • You will experience pressure during production.

With all the above skills, you will run a successful agency. Unlike other agents, you will be handling your business-like a pro because you know how to go about it.

Know Your Goals

As an entrepreneur who wants to be a successful digital marketing agent, set your goals. Your ambitions will drive you to work hard to reach your expectations. As a business person, setting goals will inspire you to go the extra mile to see your agency make it in the industry.

Know your specifications. Without clarifying what you want to achieve, nothing great will come out of your efforts. Additionally, be realistic when planning your goals by creating a reasonable timeline to achieve your results. Don't be in a rush to get on top and earn big; take your time.

Build Great Relationships

Building great relationships will give you a strong network. Get involved with other business people. Please search for the places where your audience is and reach out to them. Involve yourself by getting into conversations and answering questions. By doing so, you are creating leads and expanding your business.

When you pitch into departments, many people may want to know what you do or what you want to offer them. By communicating more, you are creating a strong relationship with everyone, which will strengthen your agency.

Have the Right Business Model

As a business owner, you need to develop the right method of how to bill your clients. Choosing the right way to bill your clients will determine how you manage your business with efficiency. The following are the most common ways to bill your clients.

  • Commission-based - You can use this billing method to gain a competitive advantage over other agencies. You get your pay when the client takes the money off of the sale.
  • Flat retailer – In this payment method, you will need to agree with your client by assessing how much the client's work and time are worth. After concluding, you set the payment on a flat monthly fee. The flat retailer allows you to decrease friction when you want to send out your invoice. This billing method is the best because the client knows how much your service is worth. However, it would help if you worked to deliver the best to avoid clashing with the client over the project’s results.
  • Hourly billing – Many agencies will use this billing method. However, it may not be accessible when you are handling complex services. If you don’t complete on time, the client may question your capacity to deliver. Hourly billing can also make it difficult for you to tell the client how much time you have spent on the project because of the factors such as launching a new campaign, new promotions, etc.
  • Percentage of spend – The billing method is popular because it contributes to the growth potential of clients. Percentage spend is an excellent option because it will grow your network, even though it may take time.


Know your Niche

Are your market analysis skills excellent? As a business person, it is essential to know where your focus is. Market analysis skills will help you to see the attractiveness of a market. The following are reasons why you should define your niche.

  • Defining your niche will strengthen your skills.
  • Knowing your specifications will give you a tremendous competitive advantage in the industry.
  • Knowing your niche will make onboarding easier because you know what information to obtain from your clients.

Make Arrangements to Hire Employees.

As a business person planning to expand your agency, you may need assistance to reach your goals. Everything gets better when a great team is involved. At some point, after developing your business, you may want to get your agency a skilled team.

You may consider hiring the following;

  • Find Freelancers – After developing your agency and when you feel like it's time to get that assistance, freelancers come in handy. Outsource your work to get SEO assistance and let them complete projects. They can take specific tasks or projects for themselves that will require you to take a percentage of their earnings.
  • Hire part-time employees – You can employ someone on a permanent contract weekly or monthly. The part-time employee will report to work to perform tasks, as you agreed.
  • Hire full-time employees – Once your company is ready to hire more, you need a professional to help you run your agency. With a full-time employee, you will be able to take more work from clients knowing that you have a reliable assistant.

Set a Budget

Now that your agency is stable and you have made great relationships in the industry, it's time to predict what your business will look like in the coming years. You have great clients, unique content, a vast network, and you need to maintain the flow.

Business is not all about having good times and making good money. An experienced entrepreneur should know. Along the way, you may experience difficulties in your business. You may run short of cash to handle your business or pay your employees when business is not flowing smoothly.

Therefore, it is essential to focus on what you may need to do when such times come. In every project you handle, know what you are worth. Set aside money for emergencies, and take care of your committed employees.


Now that you have completed reading this article, it's time to implement these great tips and get your company going forward. Whatever you go through during the set-up, don't give up.


More topics to come :

  • online inbound experience
  • complete content marketing strategy