CNIP digital agency blog

50 video marketing statistics for 2024 campaigns

Written by Cnip digital agency | Jun 20, 2024 11:01:16 AM

Want the latest video marketing statistics for 2024? This article presents 50 key stats on adoption, consumer behavior, and ROI. Learn how video marketing influences business strategies and discover upcoming trends. Use these insights to optimize your marketing efforts.

Key Takeaways

  • Video marketing continues to dominate in 2024, with 91% of businesses using it and 88% of marketers affirming its critical role in their strategy.

  • The rise of AI tools is revolutionizing video production, making it faster and more efficient, while maintaining the essential human touch for authenticity and emotional resonance.

  • Interactive and user-generated content is becoming increasingly important, offering deeper engagement and building stronger connections with audiences.


Imagine a world where the flicker of a screen isn’t just for entertainment but a portal to informed decisions, brand interactions, and immersive experiences. That’s the realm of video marketing—a field so potent that a staggering 96% of marketers have woven it into the fabric of their strategy. From boosting Google rankings to skyrocketing conversion rates, the power of video is undeniable.

This article will elucidate why businesses are increasingly relying on explainer videos and more to engage their audience.

The Power of Video Marketing in 2024

As we wade into 2024, the current of video marketing carries us into uncharted waters, brimming with endless possibilities. Marketers are harnessing the surge of product videos, the rhythm of short and long-form content, and the interactive waves of shoppable videos to anchor their brands in the minds of consumers.

Live video, user-generated content, and simplified video production have become the sails of a strong video marketing strategy. Let’s explore the elements that make video marketing a critical tool for maneuvering the digital landscape.

Video marketing adoption rates

Riding the crest of marketing innovation, an overwhelming 91% of businesses have charted their course with video marketing, signaling its crucial role in the marketing mix. It’s not just a fleeting trend; it’s a mainstay in the strategic arsenal of 88% of marketers who recognize its importance.

Further exploration reveals that a significant 82% of businesses are not just adopting, but wholeheartedly incorporating video marketing into their primary strategies.

Key reasons for adopting video marketing

But why set sail on this voyage? The reasons are as clear as the waters of the Caribbean. Videos have the power to:

  • Stir the seas of engagement

  • Elevate ROI to new heights

  • Enhance brand recognition

  • Disseminate information in a format that’s as palatable as a tropical cocktail

They are more than mere content; they are a beacon that guides businesses to the shores of higher engagement and profitability.

The ability of explainer videos to distill complex ideas into digestible morsels makes them a treasure trove of clarity for eager audiences.

Types of Videos Marketers Are Creating

In the kaleidoscope of video marketing, variety isn’t just the spice of life—it’s the main ingredient. Marketers, ever the culinary artists, are whipping up an array of video types to satiate diverse appetites. From the zest of product videos to the tang of animated and live-action videos, and the rich flavors of testimonials and explainer videos, there’s a taste for every palate.

Let’s examine each type and understand their unique contribution to the holistic picture of video marketing.

Live action vs animated videos

The decision to serve up a live-action feast or opt for the whimsical charm of animation depends on the dining preferences of your audience. While tech and education sectors may favor the flexibility of animation to suit a global palate, the authenticity of live action can offer a heartier, more relatable meal.

Each format brings its own unique spices to the table, and with tools like Synthesia, creating animated training videos with a multilingual menu is simpler than ever.

Short-form vs long-form content

In the banquet of video marketing, both short-form and long-form content have their seats at the head of the table. Short-form videos, akin to appetizers, tantalize with their ability to engage quickly, while long-form content, the main course, satiates with its rich storytelling and depth.

As the trends show, 56% of videos today are those quick bites that leave audiences craving more. Yet, the resurgence of long-form content on platforms like YouTube hints at a balanced diet of video consumption.

Testimonial and explainer videos

Testimonial and explainer videos are the seasoning that can make or break a dish. The former serves up authentic customer experiences, adding a layer of trust and credibility to the brand’s offering. Explainer videos, on the other hand, are the secret sauce that can turn a complex concept into a simple delight.

With 52% of companies using them to educate their audience, it’s clear that these video types are not just garnish—they’re essential ingredients in the marketing mix.

AI and Video Marketing

As we venture into the realm of AI and video marketing, we uncover a synergy that’s transforming the landscape. AI-powered tools, used by 75% of businesses for video creation or editing, are like the wind to a sailboat, propelling the production process forward at an astonishing pace.

Yet, as we navigate these waters, we must not forget the human touch—the captain that steers the story towards authenticity and emotional resonance.

AI tools in video creation

AI tools are the skilled crew members on the deck of video marketing, enhancing production with their expertise in automation. Some ways AI can simplify the video creation process include:

  • Generating scripts

  • Finding the perfect footage

  • Editing and enhancing videos

  • Adding subtitles and captions

  • Analyzing video performance and audience engagement

With AI tools, marketers can achieve more with less effort and time.

Platforms like Filmora and Fliki are the navigational instruments, guiding the creation of social media content with ease and precision.

Balancing AI with human storytelling

In the dance of video creation, AI may lead with its efficiency, but the human element is the rhythm that truly captivates the audience. While AI tools can offer a foundation and assist with the technical aspects of storytelling, it is the human creator who infuses the narrative with authenticity and the ability to connect on an emotional level.

This balance ensures that video content resonates deeply, leaving a lasting impression on the viewer.

Financial Aspects of Video Marketing

As we turn our gaze to the financial horizons of video marketing, it’s clear that businesses are not just dipping their toes but diving headfirst into their budgets. With a diverse array of strategies and tools at their disposal, the investment in video marketing is as varied as the ocean’s depths.

Let’s analyze the data to understand the allocation of the video marketing budget and its anticipated evolution.

Video marketing budgets

The coffers of video marketing campaigns are well-stocked, with businesses allocating a substantial 38% of their marketing budgets to this potent medium. Industries like e-commerce and tech are leading the charge, signaling their intent to increase their investment by up to 25% in the year ahead.

This level of commitment reflects a deep belief in video marketing efforts’ ability to deliver a bountiful return on investment.

Expected spending increases

The winds of change are blowing favorably for video marketing, with 85% of marketers planning to either maintain or hoist their budgets even higher. It’s a testament to their growing confidence in video marketing’s ability to chart a profitable course for their brands.

With digital media spending on the rise, it’s clear that video content will continue to be a prized treasure in the marketing chest.

Measuring the ROI of Video Marketing

Navigating the vast ocean of video marketing, one must be able to chart a course by the stars of ROI. Marketers have their sextants set on metrics like engagement and brand awareness, seeking to measure the true impact of their efforts. With the right tools and a keen eye on performance data, they can optimize their strategies and ensure their investments yield a rich bounty.

Key performance metrics

The compass of video marketing success is guided by key video marketing statistics, such as marketing statistics that reveal much about the voyage. Metrics like viewer retention, which averages at 54%, and engagement rates provide crucial insights into the effectiveness of content.

By tracking initial viewer interest and video completion rates, marketers can steer their campaigns towards the most engaging waters.

Success stories

As we sail through the success stories of video marketing, we witness the transformative power of this medium. Brands like ASOS and Lick have charted a course to remarkable increases in sales and community engagement, proving that a well-crafted video marketing campaign can lead to uncharted territories of success.

Consumer Preferences and Behavior

Understanding the currents of consumer preferences is key to setting the right sails in video marketing. As the demand for video content from brands continues to swell, it’s crucial to recognize the types of videos that resonate with audiences.

With an insight into video consumption habits and their impact on purchasing decisions, marketers can tailor their strategies to meet the expectations of their audience.

Video consumption habits

The tide of online video consumption is rising, with mobile devices being the preferred vessels for viewing online videos. Short-form online video content reigns supreme, capturing the attention of viewers with its quick and digestible format.

With a significant portion of the audience watching videos with closed captions, the silent viewing trend is reshaping the way videos are created and consumed.

Impact on purchasing decisions

The influence of video content on purchasing decisions is a wave that marketers cannot afford to ignore. Product demos and explainer videos, in particular, have proven to be persuasive tools in the consumer’s journey, guiding them from curiosity to conversion.

The rich visual experience video ads offer can greatly enhance a brand’s ability to showcase its products effectively, making it essential for users to watch videos.

Most Effective Video Marketing Channels

Charting the most effective video marketing channels is akin to mapping the trade winds of the digital world. With platforms like:

  • YouTube

  • Facebook

  • Instagram

  • LinkedIn

setting the course for video marketing success, it’s essential for marketers to understand where their content will have the greatest impact.

Let’s examine these platforms and determine how they can enhance video marketing initiatives.

Top-performing platforms

Among the constellation of platforms, YouTube shines the brightest, with 78% of marketers hailing it as the most successful channel for video marketing. Instagram’s Reels, with their alignment to short-form content, are also proving to be a powerful force in driving engagement. Through strategic use of these platforms, brands like Red Bull have soared to viral success.

Emerging platforms

The horizon of video marketing is ever-expanding, with TikTok’s short-form format cresting the wave of popularity. As this platform continues to gain traction, it offers fresh opportunities for brands to engage with a dynamic and growing audience.

With half of TikTok users making a purchase after watching a TikTok Live, the platform’s potential for brand growth is clear as day.

Challenges in Video Marketing

Despite the clear skies that video marketing often enjoys, there are still stormy seas to navigate. Challenges like time constraints, cost considerations, and internal barriers can hinder smooth sailing.

However, with the right strategies and tools, these challenges can be overcome, allowing brands to continue their video marketing voyage unimpeded.

Time and cost constraints

Embarking on a video marketing journey often means navigating the choppy waters of time and cost constraints. The traditional approach to creating marketing videos can be a voyage as costly as an expedition to the New World, demanding significant resources and expertise.

For some, the technical skills required for filming, editing, and sound design may seem like an insurmountable mountain range, towering over the landscape of their marketing plans.

Overcoming challenges

Yet, like seasoned explorers, video marketers can find new routes to overcome these challenges. Collaborating with video creators or agencies can be the compass that points to high-quality video output, without the need to master every aspect in-house.

Embracing the thrifty spirit of video marketing, brands can leverage AI tools and efficient production methods to craft impactful videos that don’t break the treasure chest.

Future Trends in Video Marketing

Looking to the horizon, we can see the future trends in video marketing taking shape like distant lands coming into view. As brands prepare to set sail with advanced production technologies and adapt to evolving consumer behaviors, they’re charting a course toward a future where video content is more compelling and accessible than ever before.

With Google’s changing video thumbnail landscape, the silent consumption of social media videos, and the dawn of new video formats, the future of video marketing is as vast and promising as the open ocean.

Rise of interactive videos

The rise of interactive videos is like discovering a new continent in the world of video marketing. These videos offer viewers a chance to steer the narrative, providing a level of engagement as deep as the Mariana Trench.

With tools like Runway’s advanced AI, creating unique, text-to-video content is becoming as effortless as setting sail with a favorable wind.

Increased use of UGC

The winds of change are also bringing a surge in user-generated content (UGC), where customers become the cartographers of a brand’s story. This strategy not only builds authenticity and trust but also forges a stronger connection between brands and their audiences.

By encouraging and guiding customers in creating video content, businesses can harness the creative power of their communities, as demonstrated by Starbucks’ successful engagement through UGC.


As we dock at the end of our voyage through the rich seas of video marketing in 2024, we’re reminded of the power and potential of this medium. From the adoption rates that underscore its importance in marketing strategies to the creative and financial trends shaping its future, video marketing stands as a beacon for brands navigating the digital age. May the insights shared here inspire you to harness the winds of video marketing, steering your campaigns toward uncharted success and engagement.

Now that you know these statistics, you will understand the importance of video marketing. You can craft compelling videos yourself now with our video marketing guide. If you don't have a solid video marketing strategy yet, take a good look at our blog about tips on winning video marketing strategies. It is essential to have a powerful strategy before making videos! 


Frequently Asked Questions

Why is video marketing considered an essential part of a marketing strategy?

Video marketing is considered essential because it can boost engagement, increase brand recognition, and improve conversion rates, making it a valuable part of any marketing strategy. So, if you want to level up your marketing game, including video content is a must!

What types of video content are most popular among marketers?

The most popular types of video content among marketers include product videos, animated and live-action videos, and testimonial and explainer videos. It's important to diversify your video content to appeal to different audiences and meet various marketing goals.

How are AI tools changing video marketing?

AI tools are revolutionizing video marketing by streamlining video creation, enhancing multilingual capabilities, and highlighting the significance of human creativity in storytelling. Embrace these tools to elevate your video marketing efforts and stand out in the digital landscape!

What platforms are considered most effective for video marketing?

YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok are the most effective platforms for video marketing, especially for short-form video content. Consider leveraging these platforms to reach a larger audience.

How can businesses overcome common challenges in video marketing?

By collaborating with video creators, leveraging AI tools, and adopting efficient production methods, businesses can overcome time and cost constraints to create impactful videos on a budget. This can help businesses overcome common challenges in video marketing and improve their reach and engagement with the audience.